Entrepreneurs House

Through building and supporting other businesses, our company has grown from its small beginnings to becoming a trusted and renowned field leader in the surrounding area. Our main objective is to provide business owners and entrepreneurs with the tools necessary to succeed. With the help and support of our expert team members along the way, we’re sure to help you and your company reach new heights.

Who We Are?

A Saudi institution in the city of Dammam, working in the field of management consulting that serves all public and private sectors and the non-profit sector, provides consulting services in all fields of management, and adds valuable material to the beneficiary in the performance of his work to reach the desired goal.

Our Vision

To be at the forefront in management consulting services by the latest means used in this field.

Our Message

We strive to advance the management consulting profession by providing innovative solutions in a professional manner that satisfies our customers.

Our Objectives

* Helping companies and companies improve their performance and achieve their goals.
* Provide best practices and applications in the field of advisory services and innovative solutions.
* To contribute to building an attractive work environment that allows its employees to excel and perform effectively.
* Participation in awareness and guidance to create a mature labor market and a stimulating environment.
* Contributing to the responsibility of the community to raise awareness and motivate the younger generation and provide inspiring and stimulating tips.